Monday 12 January 2009

Ernest Gimson: events at New Walk

If you’ve spent too long cooped up in the library writing essays and researching over Christmas, why not go along to some of the exciting events at New Walk as part of their Ernest Gimson season? I have some details from Jane May – who gave the talk on Victorian underwear and other delights at Treasures, as many of you will recall. The potato bottle for gin was my favourite. There are various talks and workshops about Ernest Gimson and the Arts and Crafts including a free demo of metalworking techniques on Jan 18, another of chairmaking on Feb 14, a series of lunchtime talks at 1pm on Mondays starting Jan 19th (£4.00/3.50), a gallery tour of the exhibition with Jane May on Jan 24 (£2.70) and a hands-on look at furniture with Jane on Feb 5 (£2.70). Leanda de Lisle is giving a talk based on her new book about Lady Jane Grey and her sisters on Jan 25 (£2.70), which apparently paints a very different view from the normal innocent/helpless victim etc. And for those not still reeling from the woolly combinations Jane brought to show us, she is giving the full underwear talk aka the Victorian Lady Undressed on Feb 1st (£2.70). Details of all and more are on the museum website except for Jane’s lunchtime talk 'Good Habits and Hobbies' on Feb 9 which is about the wider impact of the Arts and Crafts movement on education and crafts in the home (very annoyingly this got missed out). Advance booking for all except the demos is recommended, call the museum on 225 4900.