Sunday 8 March 2009

Sheffield: a city of seven hills, five rivers and two fine lead peregrinators.

Rome, infamously, was built on seven hills. So too, we learnt, was Sheffield. Whilst Rome was the pinnacle of the Grand Tour, Sheffield has not been the subject of quite so much antiquarian interest. Indeed, there might not have ever been a peregrination to Sheffield ever before, and chances are nobody will mount one any time soon. So we must have added to the history of this city.
What an unutterable success! Many thanks to our two lead peregrinators. Due to their scholarship and enthusiasm, we saw a very great deal, learnt a lot, and visited a number of fine hostelries. And, of course, thanks for coming! I do hope those who attended enjoyed themselves.
See you on Friday for the end-of-year lecture from Tristram Hunt. More details will follow throughout the week on the blog.