Saturday 31 October 2009

Hands off our bibliography: to the barricades!

By now you will have heard the terrible news. The RHS bibliography, that glorious free resource from which we all download heaps of books for research and teaching, is under threat. Very much the launch pad for historiographical enquiry in British history, this vital resource is under threat. Government funding has run out and the new provider is charging £750 or so for us to get it.
The Lab has immediately begun a petition, urging the library to subscribe, and we have already gained very many signatures. If you haven't yet signed it, you can add your signature by visiting Lucy Byrne during the week, or waiting until the Lab next Friday. I urge you to do this: it is so important!
It would be great if you could write to Evelyn Cornell ( and tell her how useful it is, how much more important and comprehensive than Historical Abstracts it is, and how vital it is for both teaching and research.
Thanks for your help, Labbers