Monday 1 February 2010

The LGBT History Series (1)

Ladies and Gentlefolks,

It is my most exciting pleasure to announce and introduce a series of blogs dedicated to LGBT History Month 2010 (which starts today).

The format goes kind of the same as our blog-based Advent calendar (see December's posts), only in February and covering matters queer and historical.

Naturally, our most anticipated day on the calendar will be the 26th February, where Dr David Clark and Dr Holly Furneaux present a seminar called 'Queer Histories', covering intimacy between Medieval men, and a re-analysis of Dickens' characters from a queer persepective. Proceedings will take place in the usual place, at the usual time, with the usual tea and cake, and the usual trip to the pub afterwards. (1 Salisbury Road, 4:30pm, generic tea brand, Malcolm's tiffin probably, The Marquis of Wellington), see you there!