Ahoy thar fellow Labbers,
We thought what better way to sign off and go on our summer holidays than a look back at some of the posters over the recent history of the Lab.

We started this year (2010/11) with a very formulaic approach to Lab posters -
'New History Lab'
Blurb for the session
Contact details
I think this works for a normal seminar poster, but its not very exciting. Whilst our posters stood out on noticeboards, they didn't get people shouting, screaming, crying and in hysterics.
You can see that we started playing with the standard format, mainly by making the images different shapes - I bet none of the other posters around ours had giant hearts on them!
For the second term of the year, we decided to experiment a bit more. The programme poster could be mistaken for an epic movie poster, chock full of 5 star reviews (partly because we got it printed in a giant A0 format!)
For the Lab posters, we carried on the 'movie' theme by making our posters look less like a seminar PR and more like what you might see on billboards and hoardings.

All of these posters and a lot of the posters from earlier Lab series can be seen in much bigger detail on our growing wall of Lab memorabilia in Salisbury Road.
If anyone has digital copies of the posters that aren't here, I'd love to add them to the post so that we can see more of the history of the Lab. Also, look out for the Lab's new page on the School of History's website (http://www.le.ac.uk/hi/) coming soon!
On that note, I now declare the New History Lab 'On Holiday' for the summer *bangs gavel and readjusts wig*. Keep checking back on us, we'll try and send you all postcards, and the Lab will see you all in the Autumn. (Although I personally won't as I've finished my time on the Lab and I'm off to blog in pastures new *sniff* *dabs eyes with hanky*)
Bon Vacance!